Reclaiming Heritage​
Stucco Mural, Chile
During the last week of February and close to the 4th anniversary of the 2010 earthquake in Chile, Reclaiming Heritage organised a Professional Training Workshop on Stuccos with Earth.
Five local craftsmen and six architecture students from the University of Talca attended the workshop, which finished with the execution of a mural designed by Procret architect Consuelo Miranda and Reclaiming Heritage member Carmen Gómez. The design used exclusively different earth tones found in the area and was realized on a private heritage house of Chanco.
This initiative was supported by local artist Patricio Chamorro, Procret - one of the firms responsible for subsidized reparation of heritage houses in Chanco - and the local municipality, who provided tools and helped communicate the event. This workshop is the first of many planned to take place in Chanco starting in July 2014.
During the last week of February and close to the 4th anniversary of the 2010 earthquake in Chile, Reclaiming Heritage organised a Professional Training Workshop on Stuccos with Earth.
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